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How To Achieve Balance Across All Areas Of Life

All areas of life are very interlinked and having balance in life means prioritising and thrivings in all areas equally, having them complement and enhance each other and and allowing this to help you live a better life. Areas of life, which people refer to as a life wheel, include health, relationships, friendships, business & career, finance & wealth, home environment, spirituality and fun & recreation. These are all equally important and when you are living a life in alignment you can have balance in all areas and achieve much more as they are all interlinked which means balance will enhance them all.

It is important to realise all areas are important and equal however at times and seasons of life, some priority will be on particular areas and this is normal and natural. As a whole though, it is great to strive for the best case scenario in all areas - knowing you very much can have it all once you understand yourself, your strengths and your boundaries.

5 steps to help manage this

  1. Deciding to have a balance

It can be challenging to do this especially if you work in a city and there is an excessive hours and partying culture or if you are a stay at home mum, for example. Everyone is different and it doesn't mean to say that everyone must have the same career or routine. However, it is important to decide to want the best for yourself in all areas. For example, if you are a stay at home mum and you want to have a career, you could do a small, enjoyable lifestyle business on the side. It does not mean you need to change your core identity or become someone you're not, it is more about knowing and deciding you are capable, deserving and able to have success and balance across all areas of your life - not just a few.

2. Becoming self aware

It is important to become self aware and know who you are, what your strengths and weaknesses are and what you want out of life - so you can play to these and also know which direction you can go in. That way, you avoid being pulled in different directions and instead you can be more decisive, save time and have more time to spend doing the things you know you love and you are good at - which allows you do spread yourself better and across more areas of life.

3. Have boundaries

When your time is limited and you want to use it to its full capacity, it's really important to be able to and know when to say no. This can still be really polite and respectful, but it is also very necessary if you want to be able to really achieve all of your dreams and make the most out of yourself and your life. It also builds control and self discipline and becomes much easier over time, the more you do it.

4. Manage your energy

In order to get the most out of yourself it is so important to manage your energy properly and have your health in place. If you are running on empty, it is so difficult to even focus and achieve basic tasks, let alone thrive and in all areas. So making sure you are sleeping well, drinking high quality water, eating correctly, exercising, meditating and consuming good, positive energy is very important - as a foundation to be able to achieve your other goals. You will also feel and look better altogether which can help you feel more confident and glow more which draws people to you. It really is a win-win, it just takes some discipline.

5. Ask for help

We are all different with different skills and qualities and not everyone can be good at everything. It is ok and good to ask for help, delegate and outsource as much as you can and can afford. It doesn't even need to cost money and it can involve working together with your partner, friends, family, children and colleagues in a way that is supportive and making the best use of all of your skills. It is important to firstly know yourself, who you are and your skills and secondly to have good communication and know that it is okay to ask - people want to help!

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