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How To Manage Your Time More Effectively

Time is our most valuable resource and we often don't use it as effectively as we could or should. It is easy to procrastinate, let things slip and get caught up doing things that aren't actually aligned to us and don't move us close to our goals. It is also easy to get distracted by social media, other people pulling us in different directions or because we don't feel totally confident with where we are going and we therefore don't have the momentum we need.

It is a bit of a domino effect, as the more productive we are and the better we use our time, the more confident and inspired we feel to do more with it. There are also many tools, hacks, tips and tricks that can really help us use our time better. This has a direct knock on effect with us feeling more motivated and confident and when we start to see better results this is increased even more.

For example if we compare someone who doesn't use their morning time well and who snoozes their alarm, scrolls for an hour on social media before rolling out of bed to start work vs. someone who gets up straight away, spends that extra time doing things like exercising, preparing healthy food and getting tasks done efficiently - the results are dramatically different. The second person will look and feel better, have more energy, have a stronger relationship with themselves, have more self-respect and also get better results in other areas of their life.

Using our time well is really important and to make the most of it and ourselves. Here are 7 ways to help you use yours better:

1. Be clear on your goals

One of the most important aspects of this is to have a clear vision and outcome. Start with the bigger goal and the end result (this could be a year in the future for example) and work backwards from here - setting your monthly and daily goals. When you have a clear idea of what you want, believe that it is completely achievable, aligned and realistic and have worked through any limiting beliefs which may have been holding you back, it is much easier to feel confident and have a strong 'why' to push you forward. When we lack direction and don't know where we are going, we feel less confident and also have less of an incentive to do the daily tasks we set ourself and manage our time well.

2. write lists

Writing lists is so simple and so effective. It allows us to stay on top of our tasks and not forget what we need to do, have a snapshot of our day which is great for realising how much time we really have to spend on each area. We also feel a sense of accomplishment when we can tick our goal off. We go through different seasons in life where we can take it easier vs. when we have to be very proactive and make things happen and this depends on many things such as age, time of the year and responsibilities. However logically, we can slow down a bit when we have less to do or do the tasks at the same pace and then have extra time to enjoy.

3. learn to say no

It can be so easy and tempting to say yes to every invite, every opportunity to go to a party and do something or be swayed in a different direction by others. In the moment this can and sometimes is fun to do, but often if it is not aligned to us it can be draining on our time and not useful. Learning to say no, being clear in your own vision and goals and knowing what is going to bring you towards your goals is key. It is important to have some flexibility and enjoy your life, but if we always say yes it will be harder to get to where we want to get to. Developing boundaries and intuition, according to the strength of your goals is crucial.

4. build self discipline

When we say we are going to do something and we do, we build self respect, discipline and trust. It also sends a reminder to ourselves that we are serious about our goals and we are on the right track. When we do the opposite, we lose precious time and we are not in line with our goals. For example, if you say you are going to go on a run and you don't, you may lose time as you are not feeling as energised as you hoped, you may feel like you need to make up for it so instead you go for a walk which takes longer or you spend time debating whether you should go or not.

5. prepare in advance

Preparation is key to saving time and there are so many hacks and tools you can use for this. If you take food and nutrition for example, you can meal prep or subscribe to a food delivery service depending on your budget which saves time and energy. Making sure you get things ready the night before if you have a busy day, pack in advance if you have a flight or prepare for a photoshoot or meeting are all ways to save time, stress and energy.

6. increase your energy

Managing your energy and increasing it is great way to save yourself some time as you will feel more alert, positive, focussed and good. Simple ways to do this are through eating high energy food and drinking high energy drinks, getting good sleep and surrounding yourself with positive, high energy people that support you. Again, there are so many hacks, supplements, treatments and services you can use to further increase your energy and health which gives you more chance of being able to accomplish your goals quicker and be more focussed.

7. accountability

Hiring a coach or mentor will save you time and money in the long run as they will be able to work with you to find blind spots of where you can save time, challenge any limiting beliefs that may be holding you back and making you procrastinate and also keep you accountable for the goals you have set yourself. Knowing you have someone trained and supportive to push you further, keep you accountable and help you save even more time is an incredible investment.

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