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5 Of My Best Skincare Secrets

Vicki Bahra in pink dress

1. Use Eyelash serum

I swear by Eyelash serum for long, full looking lashes that look more lengthly than normal lashes but don't require the maintenance or have the same false look as eyelash extensions. Simply apply each night before bed and after a few months your lashes will look incredible.

Recommendation - Revitalash

2. Invest in face towels

Invest in some face towels which you can use daily. Roll them up into nice, spa-like, neat shapes and take one a day. Make sure you have a few spare for when you am washing them for the week ahead. Benefits are they are more sustainable as they can be re-used and secondly they exfoliate your face as you use them to take off your make up. Use one towel each day for AM and PM and then put in the wash and you can purchase them for a great price on Amazon.

3. Use acid

Using acid is a must! Try and buy 2, preferably 3 acid products. A strong one for evenings, a lighter one for days and one more to mix it up. Different strengths do different things but in a nutshell they resurface your skin, stimulate collagen, help with spots, hydrate. The list is endless.

Recommendation - The Ordinary Toner

Recommendation - Pixie Glow Tonic

4. keep it simple

Don't overcomplicate but do follow a proper AM and PM routine. There are many different products needed to fully care for your skin but you don't need to add extra products that aren't necessary to make the list endless. Read my amazing daily skincare regime blog to get a good overview, but don't keep piling on products for the fun of it!

5. Focus on Lifestlye

As many products, treatments and masks we do nothing will work if we don't have a good lifestyle. Water, healthy wholefoods, vegetables, sleep, fresh air and more all add up to have a huge impact on our skin and our glow. Importantly, having a positive and happy mindset really helps.

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