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How Improving Other Areas Of Your Life Can Increase Your Business Success

You usually think to improve business success you need a business coach, and they definitely have an important and useful part to play in this. But other areas of your life can be often missed when thinking about how to grow and improve your business.

Of course, cutting costs of sales, obtaining new clients, maximising your employee skillsets, innovating against competitors, improving customer service and IT advancements and much more can help add to business success. However, there is a lot that comes down to the CEO or the Executive Team's personal lifestyle choices and the energy in which they bring to work and lead with, which can have an important role to play in companies success.

Getting this right, and optimal, positively impacts the quality and level of decisions made and the energy in the organisation, which then has a trickle down affect on the teams, the innovation within a company and much more.

The CEO as the ultimate creator of the organisation, holds a lot of the influence and the opportunity to be innovative, abundant, courageous and to lead the way to create an engaged, empowered, trusted workforce who bring forward exciting ideas. Employees can really be impacted by the wellbeing of the leadership team, their daily habits and the way they live their life outside of work.

Let's start with health. We all know that when you eat better you feel better. But there is so much more to this. By the leaders of organisations taking the right health choices in terms of food, exercise and habits they are not only giving themselves more, better energy which in turn means they are better rested, make better decisions and are more alert, they are also inspiring others within the organisation to do the same. This creates a company with overall better energy, more alertness, focus and drive to achieve more. It installs good, healthy, balanced habits that can only be positive to the organisation. There are so many hacks you can easily implement to make this even more effective.

Equally as important, is ensuring relationships outside of work are healthy, loving and adding to your life is so important in how you act and react at work. When the right partner gives you the right love, support and honesty, you as a leader are in a much better place to feel uplifted and safe to make better, right decisions. Having a good sound board of someone reliable and you can confide in, so you can really think things through can be really helpful. Someone who has your genuine interests at heart, outside of work but is invested enough in you to really listen, can make a huge difference in comparison to being in a non-fulfilling relationship which is not doing this.

Another important area is making sure you are taking time for fun, recreation and enjoying yourself. Not only will this help make you feel more relaxed, and give you space to actually enjoy all your hard work, it is a great way to network, meet people and have talking points afterwards. In particular, specific hotels, skiing resorts or restaurants can be great when recommending to others and you are more likely to meet people that have common interests to you in these places which may lead to new business deals or friends. It is also great to make sure you make time to relax and recharge.

Additionally, making sure your home environment is peaceful, nicely furnished, clean tidy and in the colours you like will mean you can go home and relax after work, recharge and come back the next day feeling good, with good energy, ideas and the right amount of rest. It is all about balance so making your home a peaceful, loving place with a separate office if you need to work at home is really important.

There is a lot more to it and it of course differs for every person and organisation. I hope some of these ideas help you in some ways and give you some things to think about.

Victoria xx

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