Feeling unmotivated, losing confidence or feeling like giving up on your goals are all things which are extremely frustrating and difficult to manage. It is important not to buy into these feelings of doubt, as they often are not reality and do not last long. It is easy to give up and not see the bigger picture and many people do just this.
It can be difficult to push through, stay positive and keep your eye on the prize when you do not have the motivation. Below are some tools to help you with this particular situation. The reason so many people fail, especially when they are so close to success, is that they give up too early. But possibly the most important time to keep moving is the time when you feel like giving up. When you are not seeing the signs that your goal is coming to light, you must use your own self belief.
1. Affirmations
Repeating affirmations change our thinking patterns away from what we don't have - towards what we want and what we do have. Repeating affirmations out loud, in the mirror or by writing them down allow us to affirm what we want, deserve and most importantly - what we are expecting. They shift our energy, frame of mind and outlook towards focussing on and believing in the goals we have set ourself. These can be as simple as "I am abundant" or "I am attracting ... into my life" or they can be very detailed. Whatever it is, repeating what we are working towards - as long as we are taking the right action is a great way to attract it into our life.
2. patience
We need to learn to be patient if we are not seeing the results we want straight away. It is so easy to get impatient, focus on what we don't have, therefore attract what we don't have and then give up. This loop ruins our goals for us as we are not trusting in ourself or the natural timing of things and is so easy to do. We need to keep faith and trust in these times which are supported by the action and having a clear vision. Reminding ourselves to be patient and actively doing this is often overlooked because it is patience is so simple - but effective.
3. Keep busy
Keeping busy, especially by doing positive, enjoyable and empowering things is a great way to distract ourselves, focus on something else and create new, positive energy in our lives. It takes the pressure and the grip away from the task we are feeling unmotivated in, which usually comes from not seeing the results. Instead, putting our attention on something else allows us to be more relaxed which in turn makes the likelihood of achieving the goals more possible. Whenever we force something, think about something we don't have or dwell on the negative - the results are not advantageous. So instead, distracting ourselves and doing something else can allow us to return with a fresh mind.
4. give to someone else
It can be easy to wallow in self pity, look at what we don't have and create problems for ourself. This can lead to a downward spiral and more negativity. A great way to boost our mood is by focussing on someone else and making them happy. Baking someone a cake, calling a friend or taking someone to the cinema are all great ways to get better, more positive energy flowing and realise there is more to life than the goal we feel we are on not achieving. Giving to others allows us to get out of our own head and has so many amazing benefits.
5. practice self compassion
It is important to be compassionate to yourself and be your biggest cheerleader. Look a how far you have come and all the amazing achievements you have done. Perhaps write down some of them to remind yourself of all of the obstacles you have been able to overcome in the past. This will help increase your confidence, give you more faith and patience and help you focus on the good. Where you attention goes your energy flows! Do something nice for yourself like have a hot bath, cook yourself a nice meal or watch your favourite series.