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What To Do When You Are Not Getting The Results You Want

Updated: May 16, 2023

It can be frustrating when you are not getting the results you want but ultimately there is always a way. It may be that something needs to be changed - whether that means in your expectations, perspective or actions.

You may find that you are getting results but your expectations are too high and you are not appreciating what you have, and there are some mindset shifts that you need to make. It may be that your goals are achievable but you are not taking the right action to actually make it happen which could be down to a lack of knowledge or accountability. Or, it may be that you have people in your life that are blocking you and it could be time to walk away.

Ultimately things are always on your side so if you are not getting the results you want or you are not seeing the results as they are, there is always a solution. See below some things you could consider thinking about:

Bed by the sea

  1. Are my goals actually achievable and realistic? Do I need to lower my expectations?

  2. Am I actually achieving my goals right now but I am not appreciating how far I have come and not seeing my results as they are?

  3. Are there any limiting beliefs that I have or old outdated patterns that are blocking me?

  4. Are there any blocks coming from other people which are preventing me from living my dreams?

  5. Are my goals based on a past version of myself? Do I need to update my goals slightly?

  6. Do I need to invest in a Coach to keep me accountable and get me to my goals in a quicker and safer way?

  7. Am I on track but I just need to be a bit more patient, persevere and be a little more resilient?

There is always a solution and you will get there in the end - I do urge you not to give up.

As always wishing you the absolute best.

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