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The Power Of Your Thoughts & Law Of Assumption

Updated: May 15, 2023

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Where you attention goes, your energy flows

Where your attention goes, your energy flows. In other words, we get what we focus on and we get what we expect. Your thoughts are so powerful and this is true when it comes to how we speak to ourselves, how we think on a day-to-day basis and how we deal with issues and hurdles in our lives. Our thoughts impact how we feel, which impacts our vibrational frequency and therefore what we attract similar back into our lives.

If we are focussing on what we don't have, problems or negative situations, we are calling more and more of this into our lives. This creates a snowball effect and therefore by doing this, we are manifesting more problems. This doesn't mean to say we need to ignore any issues that come up and any problems, as burying it in the sand doesn't help either - but there are productive and positive ways to deal with failure and issues in our lives.

Firstly, it is a good idea to see failure as a positive thing as it is an opportunity for change and it can act as a sign that a pivot is needed and something in your life needs to be changed, let go of and released. Failure is inevitable so we should embrace it and be really conscious of the thoughts we have as a result of an issue or a failure. We need to learn to be solution focussed and focus on what we want - not what we don't want.

Follow the three step focus to help with this:

1. What was the lesson in this failure?

Every single time we fail there is a lesson in it, so dig it out and see it as a blessing. Maybe it was to not be so open with what you share with people you don't know. Perhaps it was to be honest and not hide your feelings. Or maybe it was to not spend money you don't have. Whatever it is, there will always be a lesson that you can learn.

2. How is this serving me?

If a problem or issue arises in your life, it may be because for some reason it is serving you or you are doing it to keep yourself safe. It could be that is it an outdated though process you need to get rid of as perhaps at the time, you thought it was serving you but it no longer is. Do a little digging and let go and change some patterns if you need to.

3. What are the solutions

This is the important part, as you need to focus on what you want! You get more of what you focus on so by focussing on the solutions, your ideal scenario and the best possible outcome you are more likely to attract it. By releasing old stories and patterns this should feel easier to do. It might help to do this by visualising what your best self would do in this situation.

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