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Finding Your True Purpose And Creating A Career You Are Passionate About

Updated: May 16, 2023

I personally have had a number of incredibly different career paths prior to Coaching and the reason for this was because in each of those previous jobs, whilst I was working I knew deep down I was not living my true purpose. I was not able to settle and I did not want to stop until I found the right career for me.

The thought of changing careers once you have started can feel challenging as you may have expectations or bills to pay. Ultimately there are no rules and you only have one chance at life. So, if you are not in living your true purpose and not in a career you are passionate about, I urge you to consider looking at finding what it is that does feel like your true purpose.

There are steps you can make to ensure you do this safely and it is planned properly. When you are living your true purpose whether it be in your career or any other area, you are more likely to have a lot greater happiness, freedom, money and satisfaction.

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Some ways to discover if you are living your true purpose and steps you can make to ensure you are in a career you are passionate about are:

  • Tap into your intuition to discover if the career you are in feels right to you. Is it lighting you up? Is it bringing out the best in you? Is it exciting you? Is it allowing you to use the best of your skills?

  • Decide whether this is important enough to you for you to commit to creating a plan and a roadmap to get you into the career that you really desire. It may not be and that is totally ok. I do want you to remember that a career is a huge part of your life and has a big impact on your fulfilment and happiness.

  • Be really honest with yourself, allow yourself to let go of any qualifications you may have done to get the job you are in, any expectations people may have on you or you may have on yourself or any kind of justifications to stay in a career that does not feel right

  • Be open minded about what it is that you are truly interested in doing for a career and trust your gut - it really does know and even if it seems so far away, the fact that you imagined it means that is is completely possible.

  • If you are not sure what it could be, write a list of as many things as possible that you could pursue and see what idea jumps out at you the most

  • Make sure what you have come up with is realistic and not coming from a place of ego so you don't get disappointed - aim high but there needs to be a plan

  • Consider hiring a coach to get you there in a quicker and safer way and to keep you accountable, motivate you and challenge any limiting beliefs

  • Create a roadmap between where you are now and where you want to go and write this down. Start at the end and work backwards, considering all of the stages that will get you to the end goal and the actions you need to take in between each stage

  • Take daily action based on your plan and set quantifiable goals, rewiring any outdated beliefs as you go along

  • Get help, support and be persistent - adding in hacks to make it possible.

It will take some work but it is always possible and you deserve to be in a career that is fulfilling, inspiring and you are passionate about. I believe each person at each time in their life has their one true calling and when you are in alignment with this you are going to be giving your best to yourself and all of the people around you. You are worthy and deserving of it and you can make it happen.

As always wishing you the absolute best.

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